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Introduction To Impact Focus – Personal Insights Reporting Add-on

Introduction To The Impact Focus Personal Insights Reporting Add-on Plugin For WordPress

The Personal Insights Add-on plugin for Impact Focus introduces a whole new reporting dashboard interface. It allows individual users on your WordPress platform to view their performance in any of their assigned Impact Focus campaigns.

When you activate the Personal Insights Add-on on your platform, a new shortcode will become active. When a user visits the page containing the Personal Insights shortcode, the default reporting screen view will show the currently logged in user their data across all Impact Focus campaigns.

However, if a Group Leader or Administrator visits that page, a different view will be presented. This view will allow the user to select a LearnDash Group, and a user within the group, in order to see the Personal Insights reporting of that selected user.

Note – the Impact Focus LearnDash LMS Add-on extension must be installed and activated for this feature to work correctly.

What can the Personal Insights Add-on for Impact Focus do?

This add-on offers lots of functionality to a range of user roles that exist in WordPress and LearnDash. This includes:


  • Ability to view their own performance across any Impact Focus Campaign in which they are currently an active or completed user.
  • The frontend report screen generated by the Personal Insights shortcode displays:
    • A pie chart detailing the total number of questions the user has answered correctly, incorrectly, or did not answer during the campaign.
    • A categories radar chart showing which categories the user has correctly answered the most questions in (based on percentage correct).
    • Answer history table which shows a day-by-day log of each question that the user has attempted and the answer they gave (over the last 10 days).
    • A Daily Challenge Leaderboard (optional) which will show how many questions the user has answered correctly when compared with other users in the campaign. The leaderboard view shows the top 10 users within the campaign, along with the number of questions that have been answered in the campaign by every assigned user. It also shows the overall knowledge accuracy score (percentage) for all users combined.

Group Leaders

  • Ability to view personal insights for any user from a campaign they are assigned to as a Group Leader. They will be able to see the same reporting dashboard widgets as the subscriber (see above).
  • The Daily Challenge Leaderboard (if active) will display the leaderboard of users only within the user’s selected group. This creates a campaign performance comparison for all users the Group Leader manages within their group.


  • Admin users have the same functionality as Group Leaders detailed above, but with the ability to select any LearnDash Group created on the platform.

All Users (including guests /logged out site visitors)

  • If a specific user ID has been entered into the shortcode that generated the Personal Insights report view on screen, the page will display the reporting dashboard for that specific user to anyone that accesses the page.
    • This makes it super easy to share reporting data on a particular user with anybody by first setting the Personal Insight reporting page, and then sharing the URL for that page with the person wishing to view the report (e.g. an external moderator, or an external L&D co-ordinator).

The core Impact Focus plugin is a requirement for being able to use this add-on. Make sure that both plugins are installed and activated (as well as the LearnDash Extension plugin for additional features) on the same WordPress platform in order to take advantage of these features.

Read the rest of our Knowledge Base pages to make the most of the Impact Focus – LearnDash LMS Add-on.

If you are still experiencing any issues, you can also reach out to us by email.

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