eLearning Magic Toolkit Settings
The configuration setting for the OpenAI integration features included in the eLearning Magic Toolkit plugin can be found in your WP-Admin Settings>eLM Toolkit screen, as soon as the plugin has been activated and licence key registered.
OpenAI Secret Key
You can generate a Secret Key by accessing your OpenAI Platform account at https://platform.openai.com. Once you have generated a new key, copy and paste it into this box and click the save button at the bottom of the screen to have this stored securely on your WordPress site.
Is your API Secret Key not working as expected? Make sure that you have a ‘paid’ account by depositing at least $1 into your OpenAI Platform account. Customers have discovered free periods provided with new accounts still require at least some money to be in their account for the API to properly work.
Create Chat Completion API and Create Image API Model Settings
The individual settings for both the Create Chat Completions API (ChatGPT) and Create Image API (Dall-E) can be customised with the setting found under each tab on the setting screen. Choose the settings as you see fit in order to return the most reliable, efficient, and accurate AI responses based on the needs of the experience you are building.
The settings are universally applied across your platform, meaning that all Storyline activities will follow the same guiding rules as you have defined on this screen.
ElevenLabs TTS API Key Setting
ElevenLabs is a separate platform to OpenAI and therefore requires its own API key, which you can obtain by creating an account here: https://elevenlabs.io/app/sign-up
Note that use of ElevenLabs API also incurs a cost which is token based, on the amount of content that you are generating into audio using their platform. Use your ElevenLabs account to keep a track of your spending for the available credits that you have in your account each month.
Please contact us by email if you are experiencing issues in relation to a licence key that you have purchased.
Read the rest of our Knowledge Base pages to make the most of eLearning Magic Toolkit.