Children’s Television Art-style
Expressive Character Design


  • Articulate Storyline 360
  • New 360 Image Feature (Beta)
  • After Effects Animated VR Compositions
  • 360 Panoramic Imagery (Photoshop)
ELH Challenge Info

This project was submitted to the E-Learning Heroes Challenge #337 – Creating Interactive 360° Images in E-Learning #337

Returning To The World of Mi and Mo

‘The World of Mi and Mo’ was the format for an animated series of learning videos covering various topics around moving home. It was one of the very first client projects that I developed during my first year of business, so being able to dust off the project files in order to give the characters a whole new lease of life for this 360° challenge has been a wonderful opportunity!

The illustrated environment was first built inside of Adobe After Effects within a 3D composition. Then using a plugin called ‘Mettle’ (which only a few short years later was acquired by Adobe and the features incorporated into After Effects as standard) I was able to convert the project scene into a 360 panoramic video, ready for use as a VR compatible video or indeed with YouTube’s own 360 video and VR capabilities.

I was pleased to see that all of my composition files retained their original quality and was easy enough to render out once more for use in this challenge. The overall concept for the project this time was really something basic, more like a children’s interactive game rather than anything more serious!

To discover more about Articulate Storyline's new 360 image features and the tips that can be shared to create a successful project using these tools, I highly recommend reading Jonathan Hill's blog post on this topic.