
The Natural World



  • Articulate Storyline 360
  • CSS and JavaScript
Additional Credits
This project features the song ‘Spy Glass’ by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.

A Remaster Of One Of My Favourite ELH Challenge Entries!

This interactive story was originally submitted to the E-Learning Heroes Challenge #172 – E-Learning Noir: Using Only Black and White in Course Design back in 2017. The project was one of my very first entries to the Articulate E-Learning Heroes forum weekly challenges and remains one of my personal favourites.

Now over seven years later I continue to keep an eye on what’s happening with the ELH Challenges each week and take the opportunity to test and challenge myself to learn something new as much as possible! This week, the theme of the challenge is Using Photo Mosaics to Design Interactive Stories #459 – but when I saw that entries could ‘Create multiple panel layouts similar to comic books’ and ‘Rework an existing scenario or interactions’ I felt that the time was right to give this project the refresh it so richly deserves!

So this week I have published this remastered version of The Lunchbox Phantom, complete with a whole new AI-generated narration (because my attempt at a 40’s film noir detective voice was never that great to begin with!), more interaction hints and highlight colours, and some improved masking techniques for each panel (with a little help from JavaScript) to bring the comic book panel delivery style to life.