

  • Articulate Storyline 2 & 360
  • Motion paths and collision triggers
  • Flash and HTML5 Publication
  • Controls for Desktop and Mobile

“Hey, would it be possible to recreate Snake using only Articulate Storyline?”

This was the question that started us down the path to really explore the possibilities of Articulate’s new flagship Storyline 360 software, staying as true to the original Nokia take as possible, we made a game which closely mirrors everything that made Snake one of the most addictive titles of late 90s / early 00s mobile era!

Play The Game!

In the end, only a small piece of JavaScript code was used to produce the game (in order to generate the random position of the food on the game grid),
the rest was developed entirely using the built in features of Articulate Storyline, such as the collision triggers which came in very handy!

Visit our LearnDash LMS demo site to see a version of the game with working leaderboard system! 

Community Feedback

This is soooo cooll!!! Great job. Would love to master articulate to build cool stuff like this 🙂

Maxwell Dziku

Chris this is great and when combined with questions/information every 3ish times you get food would be a very powerful piece of engaging learning.

Kristian Baker

This is really good but if I was being picky I'd say that the controls need to be bigger to allow for mobile users. Great job overall though.

David Tait

Super cool Chris! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Leslie McKerchie