A project celebrating the people and history of the NHS

The NHS is the UK’s largest employer, with over 1.5 million staff who deal with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.

It was launched on 5 July 1948 by health secretary Aneurin Bevan at Park Hospital in Manchester, with the aim of providing good healthcare to all for free for all at the point of delivery.

70 years later, it is now one of the UK most beloved institutions. As part of the celebrations, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust decided to tell the stories of the staff who work there. They decided their project needed to:

  • Highlight and celebrate the passion, skills and dedication of staff across the NHS Trust
  • Be interesting to both NHS staff and the public
  • Showcase the variety of roles within the NHS

The NHS Trust decided they wanted to work with Discover eLearning due to their local connection, and the way a small team can bring a personal touch to a project.

Our Solution

Telling stories using creativity

Each story in 70 Years 70 Stories is presented as a short video featuring a member of staff, who explain their role and what working for the NHS means to them.

The videos started life as audio recordings, but upon starting the project Discover eLearning believed that the stories could ‘come to life’ when paired with visuals.

From the very start, it was clear that one of the key aims of the project was to highlight the diversity of roles and career opportunities that exist within the NHS today. The people interviewed for the project ranged from front line staff and volunteers, all the way up to the Chief Executive, Dame Jackie Daniel.

It was important that the stories reflected everyone who worked within the Trust, and not just the people that patients and visitors see every day. This includes everyone from doctors and nurses, to IT support staff and cleaners.

As well as the 70 stories, the site features an imaginative homepage interaction that allows all the stories to be showcased and highlighted for every new visitor.

70 Stories Screen Example
70 individual interviews were recorded with staff from across the trust, contributing a variety of stories and experiences from their own unique perspective
Our Solution

A team effort to deliver a fitting tribute

Discover eLearning were delighted to work with members of the project team, who contributed so much time and effort to make the project come to fruition.

Chris from Discover eLearning worked closely alongside the group within the Trust that originally devised of the project, including Andrew Pike, Head of Quality Assurance and Clinical Effectiveness, Clinical Governance and Risk Department, and Elaine Coghill, the Trust Lead for NMAP, Research, Education and Practice Development.

What The Clients Had To Say…

Read our write-up of the project, including an interview with Andrew Pike, Head of Quality Assurance and Clinical Effectiveness, Clinical Governance and Risk Department at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust:

Further Coverage in the Press…

NE Connected Article – July 2018

We Work With Organisation Of All Sizes And Backgrounds

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