1.1.2 [02-08-2022]
User selection bug fix on Edit Campaign screen.
1.1.1 [11-07-2022]
Feature Update – Ability to set Email Subject Line and Question Header Text per campaign.
User selection boxes now also include email address.
1.1 [26-06-2022]
Feature Update – Select specific days of the week to send campaign emails from Email Settings.
Updated graphics and animations for Feedback Page.
Updated Edit Campaign screen containing a new detailed information metabox.
1.0.26 [01-03-2022]
Compatibility fix for Yoast SEO users.
1.0.25 [24-02-2022]
Licensing updates.
1.0.24 [16-02-2022]
Minor styling updates to frontend interface.
WordPress 5.9 compatibility and improvements.
1.0.23 [06-10-2021]
Updates to admin CSS.
1.0.22 [05-10-2021]
Campaign weekend logic fix.
Campaign category radar chart view fix.
Already answered question logic fix.
1.0.19 [29-09-2021]
CSS fix for campaign reporting in mobile view.
1.0 [24-09-2021]
Initial Release.