Displaying A Stored Variable On A WordPress Post/Page (Using A Shortcode)
eLearning Magic Toolkit makes it easy to display any stored variable from Articulate Storyline on your WordPress site using a handy shortcode.
Displaying the variable of the visitor
Just type the following shortcode anywhere in your text editor for the page you wish to display the stored variable on:
[ storyline_user_data options="VARIABLE_NAME" ]
(Remove spaces between the opening/closing square brackets!)
Replace VARIABLE_NAME in the shortcode above with the specific Storyline variable name you want to display. Anyone viewing the page will then see the variable value that is stored in their own user profile.
Displaying the variable of a specific user
To display the variable of a specific user, include the following additional selector to your shortcode:
Enter the username for any specific profile held on your platform in order to display the variable value for that user to all visitors (including logged out guests) who visit the page containing your shortcode.
Using the ‘My Favourite Things’ activity as an example, to display the favourite colour of username adam.smith on the page, you could use the following shortcode:
[ storyline_user_data user="adam.smith" options="SL01_FavColour" ]
(Remove spaces between the opening/closing square brackets!)
Read the rest of our Knowledge Base pages to make the most of eLearning Magic Toolkit.
The shortcode examples seem to be missing/invisible
Sorry about that! Please see the updated information above.