For the past 4 months, Discover eLearning has played a crucial role in the delivery of a digital project in collaboration with the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 70 Years 70 Stories is a bold and innovative project which aims to highlight and celebration the passion, skills and dedication of staff across the NHS Trust, many of whom have worked here throughout their working lives.Each story is presented as a short video featuring a member of staff, explaining their role and what working for the NHS means to them. From the very start, it was clear that one of the key aims of the project was to highlight the diversity of roles and career opportunities that exist within the NHS today, hence the people interviewed for this project range from front line staff and volunteers, all the way up to Chief Executive Dame Jackie Daniel.
To deliver the project, I (Chris Hodgson) have had the privilege of working closely with a working group within the Trust that originally devised of the project, including Andrew Pike, Head of Quality Assurance and Clinical Effectiveness, Clinical Governance and Risk Department, and Elaine Coghill, the Trust Lead for NMAP, Research, Education and Practice Development.
Andrew said: “To celebrate the anniversary, we wanted to create something that would be interesting to both NHS staff and the public which highlighted the variety of roles within the NHS, and the fact that there are so many people with different skills working tirelessly to provide the care the NHS is celebrated for.”
“Whenever the public see the NHS on the news or think about the NHS as a workforce, they see nurses, doctors, surgeons, or healthcare assistants. That is right, but only a proportion of the NHS team. Without the other staff – the pharmacists, coders, accountants, estates, scientists, – they couldn’t provide the fantastic care they do.
Discover eLearning was initially hired to provide support for the digital and web development requirements for the site, but very soon as more ideas started to be formed, I realised that the site had great potential to deliver its message in a modern and creative way.
This ultimately led to the visual stories being created for each interview, transforming the audio recordings into video. As well as this, the site features an imaginative homepage interaction that allows all stories to be showcased and highlighted for every new visitor.
On a personal note, I have had a wonderful experience working with members of the project team, who have contributed so much time and effort to make this project come to fruition. It was an honour being brought in to meet and be a part of 70 Years 70 Stories.
Though I have had great success working with clients across the UK and internationally on digital development projects, it is always the projects closest to home that mean the most to me.
You can view all staff stories as part of the 70 Years 70 Stories project at the following website: