After more than 5 years of working with education providers and learners worldwide, we’re thrilled to announce that Discover eLearning has been added to the list of registered providers for the North East Business Support Fund (NEBSF). We’re proud of our North East origins, so it’s a privilege to support more local training providers to enhance the learning experience for their students, and helping businesses to improve their competitiveness through projects aiming to create new digital products and services.

Registered Provider for the North East Business Support Fund
Our inclusion on the list of NEBSF-registered suppliers will give more education providers the opportunity to create unique, innovative learning experiences. This adds scope and opportunity for our business, too. Discover eLearning’s Lead Developer and Managing Director, Chris Hodgson, said, “I’m so proud of what Discover eLearning has accomplished being based in the North East. Though we work with clients internationally on a daily basis, we take great pride in supporting North East businesses to achieve success. Becoming a registered business with the North East Business Support Fund means we can get involved with more local businesses at the start of their own innovation journey, and help them grow into substantial, successful enterprises.”
Many businesses and providers based in the North East are eligible to apply for funding from the NEBSF, so this marks a key opportunity to invest in your business growth. With grants of up to £3200 available, the scope for investment and advancement for education providers is huge. Whether you’re looking for software that will increase learner engagement, improve your Ofsted grade, or modernise your teaching and learning, our innovative eLearning solutions can help.
One of our clients, Gibber, has already taken advantage of this NBSL funding initiative. Together, we’ve designed and created a digital learning platform that gamifies the learning experience, while including key reporting features to ensure learners get the most from their online experience. Since its product launch one week ago, Gibber has already seen interest in more than 52% of the organisations they’ve promoted the platform to, and is en route to rolling the platform out to more than 17,000 students – so it’s clear that a little investment can have huge benefits for education providers.
This next step in the Discover eLearning journey is really exciting for us. It means we can help more local providers forge a successful future for their learners. To see if your business is eligible for NEBSF funding, visit the NBSL business funding and support page. If you’d like to learn more about how we can support your funding application, and help you offer a bespoke learning experience for your students, please tell us about your project here.
Discover eLearning provides WordPress-based learning solutions to schools, colleges, and education providers all over the world. We create customised learning platforms with easy-to-use WordPress plugins to make learning accessible and enjoyable for all kinds of learners. From animation to gamification, see how Discover eLearning can transform your LMS from a one-size-fits-all solution to a bespoke platform that works for your students and staff.